Jessica C. Graves, Owner, 7400 N Oracle Rd, Ste 150-403 Tucson 85704, 520.468.3838 - Hablamos Español
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The information contained within this website is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship. The receipt of the information contained in this website does not constitute an attorney-client relationship.
The only way in which an attorney-client relationship is entered into between the Law Office of Jessica C. Graves, PLLC and a client is by having both the Firm and client agree in writing to the relationship.
The legal information provided within this website is general and is purely informational. The website content is not intended to replace legal advice from an attorney. This information is not legal advice for your specific situation and matter. If you have questions about your individual situation, you should discuss the matter with an attorney. Do not delay in seeking legal advice. It is important that you seek legal advice immediately.
Please do not send confidential information through the contact form unless you have engaged the services of the firm. Information provided in the contact form in this website may not remain confidential. You are invited to submit your questions and comments through the contact page and the information provided will be used to get in contact with you to discuss your matter.
The information contained in this website may not be up-to-date with all of the current laws due to the ever-changing nature of the law. The firm does the best it can do to keep the laws up-to-date but the firm cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in the website.
There are hyperlinks to third party websites within the contents of this website. The website hyperlinks are provided to you only for your reference and convenience. The Law Office of Jessica C. Graves, PLLC does not control the content within these third party websites. The Law Office of Jessica C. Graves, PLLC does not endorse the third party website and the content contained therein. Law Office of Jessica C. Graves, PLLC makes no representation or warranty for the third party website. The firm is not responsible or liable for the content contained on any of the third party websites. Furthermore, you should access the third party websites and use of the information at your own risk. It is important to read each privacy statement contained on every website you visit.
Jessica C. Graves is only licensed to practice law in Arizona. Jessica cannot provide any legal advice for any other state besides Arizona.
Please do not send any information regarding any current or potential legal matter(s) absent a written statement by you confirming the firm's engagement as your legal counsel.
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7400 N Oracle Rd, Ste 150-403 Tucson, AZ 85704